CLaS Assessment Level: 2.7
"Are we there yet guys ?" How many times have we heard this familiar phrase? This jazzy tune captures the innermost feelings of a young person off for another agonizing outing in the good ol’ family car. All the usual excuses and experiences are included in this hilarious weekend family road trip. The destination might change, as might the passengers. But one thing will remain: Whomever has to sit in the back will surely ask the question. Are we there yet?
Type of Ensemble: It is written for SAB with some very important notes in the boys part. Lots of unison make this arrangement easy to sing.
Technique teaching points: This piece takes a lot of energy from the beginning to the very end. The key point is pacing and not letting the energy flow out too quickly. Very little dynamic change in this piece.
Story line: This is a very humorous story about the family road trips that we all had to endure as young people sitting in the back seat of the good old family sedan.
Program placement: This is a great closer to your program. It can also serve as a great encore piece, short and lots of energy.
Product Includes: Sheet Music * Lyric Sheet * Soprano MP3 * Alto MP3* Baritone MP3 * Piano MP3 * FullMix MP3
Are We There Yet? Is for any teacher working with younger groups. This a great introduction to part singing and easily accessible. The message itself is easily recognized and cute. It touches on core values of patience, understanding, and the ability to sit in the back seat of a vehicle without being sick--A true achievement to which anyone with motion sickness will attest.
Families these days take on all shapes and sizes and family road trips aren't for everyone. Whether or not this was your childhood, anyone can imagine what it is like to be stuck in the back of the car on their way to someplace they don't even necessarily want to go. Its easy to forget how boring the back of the car is. This song is dedicated to all of you who have endured this hardship over the years and to all of you who have not yet had the privilege. Don't worry, your time is coming....